Made me want to paint on a really big canvas. While this exhibit was impressive, I have to say, i think that my favorite exhibit was a smaller on off of the main gallery of collages and photographs from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century. There was some early Dada stuff that I found to be really whimsical and powerful at the same time. I may just be parical because I really like collage as a medium and using current images to create an artistic/political statement. There was one photograph in particular that was of a group of people, men in suits and they were all a little bit blurry-- the picture had an amazing sense of movement to it. Wish I had written down the name of it. Anyway, go to the Guggenheim! It is free on Friday nights.
As for being productive, I filled out my U.S. citizenship application today. I've been thinking about doing it for a while and just haven't done it, mostly because the cost is huge and I have been too busy to take the time to do it. but, i came home this afternoon and sat down to fill it out. It wasn't that difficult to fill out, except for the part that asked you to list all of the places you've traveled since becoming a permanent resident. Considering how I have been a permanent resident since 1988, that was a tad bit difficult, but I think I managed to piece together a fairly accurate list from stamps in the passport. I hesitated over checking the box asking "If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?" In fact, i haven't yet checked it off. I mean, I don't think that I would actually be expected to bear arms to go fight someone, and neither would most people I know who are citizens. It is just in the oath of allegiance and I know I need to be able to answer yes to that if I want my citizenship, so ultimately I probably will check that box off. but, am I willing to bear arms for the U.S.? Am I willing to bear arms for any country? I don't think so. I mean, I am just a really non-violent person. I guess the easier way to look at it is-- if someone came to take away my home and family, would I fight for it? In that case, the answer it yes, I would fight to defend my home and family. I suppose in a way, that is selfish way to look at it-- if I am in physical danger myself, then I would take up arms, but not in order to defend others in this country or to protect the way of life here. I think another concern is that I am completely unwilling to take up arms unless the cause is a just cause, and I don't trust the people making the decisions. Sigh, hence the citizenship application. At least I could check the "I am not a communist" box without hesitation.
Now I just need to figure out how to get $675 to pay for this application. I am accepting donations.
You are so cultural.
I'm relieved to learn that you are not a communist. As for the bearing arms. I hear you on the issue of doing so for a just cause. I sometimes actually fear that if I were faced with an actual situation where I would have to fend of an attacker, that I would be unable to do so due to my lack of aggression.
It's usually after watching such movies as I Am Legend. Today I am worried that I wouldnt be capable of fighting off zombie monsters in order to save humanity. Let alone the US of A.
Wow! Didn't know it was so expensive. I agree with you about bearing arms. Mexico looks nice for visiting if it gets to that. I have 2 boys that I won't let fight- I am their boss for now. I am trying to teach them to be pacifists and non violent protesters. Yikes. Heavy stuff. I wish that there was cool stuff to see and do here. I really am envious of you!
Sorry that was me- Cammie is at my house...
I guess I'm kind of shocked that they ask if you're a communist on the citizenship application. Shocked, but not surprised. And as for the other box...Being a female native-born in the US, I've never been asked to declare my willingness to bear arms for the country. But I think I've found a loophole for you, Suvi, that can maybe let you check off that box without losing sleep. As I was pondering whether I myself would bear arms, and under what circumstances, I realized that I bear two arms every single day. I'd like to keep bearing those arms, thank you very much, in sickness and in health, and I can in good conscience agree to use them to promote the ideas that the US is founded on. I do believe that those are good ideas.
Hello How did I get to your blog, random search on Ira Glass as I was listening to his latest pod cast. I then got wound up in your blog, and took some of your music suggestions to iTunes and purchased Wilco and Cameral Obscura. Thank you for the suggestions. Now the unusual part, if you truly need funding for your application, I would be happy to help. Why? Random acts of kindness. I do not need to meet you, email you, etc. Its my way of giving back for all I have gotten. If you are truly in need of $675, it would be my pleasure. Post a reply to this if interested...
Good suggestion em ;)
Are you serious, anonymous? If you are, i really would take you up on it-- I'm in grad school and living on student loans right now, which don't stretch all that far. And I think I would be a really good citizen.
I was just reading responses and saw that I had already posted a comment--ha ha. Then, I read further and it was all clear to me. I liked what "I" was saying though :0).
PS. since I'm on Bridget's computer I almost did the exact thing to her!
I am serious. I can send you a money order to a PO Box or anywhere you choose. I love the music you recommended, I am involved in the arts and find your blog engaging and amusing. J
Wow anonymous J, you are a good soul. I am so glad that you find some pleasure in reading my blog and enjoyed the music recommended. I'd be happy to recommend more too if you would like!
I'd prefer not to put my mailing address onto a public site, so would you mind giving me an email address where I could send it to you? What a lovely random act of kindness. Thank you.
Hi Summerchild
I too do not wish to post in "public".. how can I get my email address to you? I guess I can set up and account and then delete it...so I do not get tons of requests. Or is there a way to post something only you can see?
Good call, anon. I've changed my blog comment setting so now I moderate the comments prior to being published on the blog. so if you were to post an email address, I would be able to see it, but I would then delete it instead of publish it so you wouldn't have to worry about other people emailing you. I think that should work. You can send over a test comment just to make sure.
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