I think I've been stuck for a while. What do I mean by stuck? Well, it is this dark place with oozing walls and... just kidding. Let me give you an example: A few years ago, I dated a boy. We were in love. He was a writer. One of the reasons he gave for breaking up was that we were too happy, too content together, and thus, he was not compelled to write as he would have liked. Stuck.
I thought, as any self respecting girl would, that this was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. How can being happy make you stuck? How can contentedness make you feel like you won't accomplish things?
I'm not going to really address that issue per se, but rather go off on something that I have been thinking about in a related vein. I like people. I like boys. I like relationships, and find myself falling into and out of them rather quickly with not much time in between to take store of what occurred. And I have found myself going through a rather miserable and empty time. I've pawned it off on simply sucking at relationships, or, when I want to play the victim, saying the guys I date suck at relationships. But there really is more to it than simply sucking and letting it go at that. The thing is, I believe I get stuck. I get stuck on the idea that a relationship is something that I need to be happy. I get stuck in a pattern of contentedness that while not inherently bad, has the effect of making me not feel like myself. And hence, the emptiness.
Story-- I was talking to a friend the other day about feminism and losing yourself when you get married. She told me the story of her aunt who was a smart, independent woman, who met a wonderful young man. They got engaged. Her professor, concerned for her, pulled aside one day, and asked about her future. With a heaving-bosom sigh and starry eyes, she said, "None of that matters. I am going to be John's wife." A romantic ideal, to be sure, but one that makes me, a feminist, cringe. The question is though-- how can I prevent myself from getting lost when I get into a relationship and getting stuck as someone else? I can honestly say, I don't know. It hasn't worked well for me, and the thought makes me hesitant to try.
But I do know this-- The past little while I have had no boys in my life in any way, no romantic interest at all. And I feel strong. I am happy, I feel accomplished, independent, I'm doing well spiritually, emotionally, I have time to go to the gym so I even look and feel good. My insecurities have melted, I've forgiven past hurts, and wounds have healed in my heart. I spend my time reading and going to activist films and lectures. I write. I'm taking pictures. I am making new friends. I'm getting ready to go to grad school and to travel. I am even happy for all of my friends in relationships and don't feel jealous. Being single is the best thing that could happen to me right now.
I am unstuck. I am me. I am happy.
Announcing Segullah February 2025 Edition
1 week ago
SUVI! You are moving to NY!! THat makes me so happy. Mim and I are already planning a camping trip sometime this fall, you are totally invited. I'm going to call you this week to get caught up. . .
Thanks so much for that Suvi! Resonates so much (as we have discussed already I believe).
Mine is not so much in relationships but my tendency to feel obligated to people and situations. The last couple months I have been forced in situations that have made me make hard choices...for me and nobody else. Despite hard circumstances and stress, I feel more powerful and like myself than ever.
Pleased to be perhaps included as a newfound friend.
Sarita, rest assured, you are one of those new friends! So, so glad you are powerful and always up for an adventure and watching Strictly Ballroom!
What i love about you Suvi- is that, well, I just do. I love reading your words and what they conjure up in my head. Now- you might not even know it, but my mother was a big time women's advocate, independent and utterly fabulous. She had her masters at age 23 and had backpacked around europe and lived in london by 24. And it being the 70's, she thrived. YOu should see some of the pics of her...wow. This was the woman that raised me- and it has been how I have seen myself. though my parents marriage hasn't been perfect- she has never lost herself. And though i loathed the thought of marriage myself, and was scared of it for years, now, after being wedded for 3 entire years- I have to say, Suv- it is the next plateau. I am more me than I have ever been. I am more independent and assured and uniquely intelligent than i've ever been. It probably helps that my husband adores anything that comes out of my mouth, heart, head, or spirit- and that he proclaims my beauty in and out and my potential and none of it threatens him. Truly, he is the FIRST man i have EVER dated that has not been threatened by me- boys tended to be jealous of me, or if i made them think- their insecurity would react in negative ways towards me. I'm happy to say that the balance DOES exist. My husband has it, and I thrive under his appreciation and the freedom he uknowingly gives me to be...me. I am a great me, now, because of him. That is what marriage has given me.
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