Saturday, December 4, 2010

She Walks in my Blood

She Walks In My Blood by The Love Story Thief  
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She walks in my blood.mp3 (5567 KB)

I was in Jordan, visiting the home of some new friends. As I was asking the mother of the family about life and love in Jordan, one of the sons who was translating the conversation from English to Arabic and back told me his own story of being in love with an Indian girl. I had to record his story, but sadly, we were interrupted by a family member and couldn't continue the interview.  Though they are in love and he wants to marry her, his family forbids the relationship because she is not Muslim. His parents think he ended the relationship, but secretly, they are still together and he plans to marry her, no matter what.

Posted via email from The Love Story Thief

1 comment:

sara said...

Suvi! I met you on the intrepid tour. I was telling someone about Bdoul and our Bedouins, remembered your podcast, and found it right away! It wouldn't let me comment there, but this came up too... Anyhow - I think your podcast site is so creative. It was nice meeting you and Lori on the intrepid trip, and hope the rest of your time in Egypt was great!

There's a couple of entries on my site about our tour, too..good times.