Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't have a job? Look on the bright side!

This is how I've been feeling lately.

If I've learned anything from being unemployed (other than the fact that I really would LOVE to have a job, let me know if you have one for me), it is this-- it is really, really easy to get depressed and in a funk. But if I've learned anything else, it is this-- the best way to get out of it is to start a creative project to make you feel like you are accomplishing something.

So, I've been spending more time on the UN stuff and my book. Life is looking much peachier. And, I start my tv production class tonight with Victoria and we are going to be famous!!


Sarah Stout said...

Amen! Being unemployed allows you the time to be creative and do those things that we put off when we have a J-O-B! Best of luck in our searches and enjoy your video productions class. Sounds like fun!

Alanna said...

Have I ever told you that my husband teaches TV productions? If you ever want some editing tips, just ask him! Enjoy being creative!