I spend more time listening to podcasts on my ipod than I do talking to friends (especially boys) on the phone. I think it is time for me to come clean about my relationship with a special someone-- Ira Glass. He is pretty much the perfect boyfriend. He always has something interesting to say and really asks some compelling questions. I love the way that he tells stories and can really drive the point home. He is smart, and sexy in a nerdy kind of way, and I kind of have a thing for older men. So sometimes he doesn't really listen to me, but that is okay because I have ten years of archives of This American Life that I can listen to and always find an answer to whatever issue/problem I want to discuss. For example, just the other night we had a great conversation about talking to kids, and how to have "the talk" with them. I think he'll make such a good baby-daddy someday. I know what you might be saying, but Suvi, you don't ever get to see him. True, and that is tough on the relationship, but with the kind of communication that we have, our love will just keep growing stronger and stronger while we are kept apart. And give him time to get rid of his wife before anything happens with us. Because I know that as soon as he meets me, it'll be on.
Suvi...I never knew you had a thing for older men!
not all older men. just this one in particular. And the guy from "Away from Her". He is also a very good looking older man.
YES! I am so with you. What if we could just fuse Glen Hansard and Ira Glass....
I know a few girls who are also in line for him as soon as he casts Mrs. Glass aside. I hope you're prepared for a fight!
I love his show, but I don't think I"m going to pay to see him live here in SLC. Why pay all that money when I can hear him on the radio for free? It's like that opening scene in the Simpsons Movie.
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